Storrs, 美國
4 up to 5 Years
18 Dec 2024
Jan 2025
尽管康涅狄格大学自 1916 年以来一直在开展非凡的工程教育,但工程教育领域是其学术研究。博士学位康涅狄格大学工程教育博士学位将为学生提供在学前和高等教育工程项目背景下进行高质量教育研究所需的技能和能力。工程教育项目的毕业生将完全有资格在学术、工业或政府环境中工作,并擅长识别、创建和扩大工程与社会科学之间的联系。
工程教育本质上是跨学科的。康涅狄格大学拥有 14 所学校和学院,鼓励学生根据自己的研究兴趣跨学科选修相关课程。
In order for an applicant to be considered for one of the following fellowships, the applicant must select that they wish to be considered in SLATE. Recipients of these fellowships will be the most academically promising members of the entering class of graduate students at the University of Connecticut. The criteria used to select recipients include the following:
- Evidence of scholarly or creative achievement highlighted by the department or program in their nomination and evidence that the department or program provides the environment necessary for success in the areas of interest highlighted by the applicant.
- Evidence of any prior scholarly or creative achievement by the nominee, e.g., publications, presentations, exhibits, performances.
- Evidence that the nominee has been successful at previous academic institutions, e.g., letters of recommendation.
- Quantitative evidence of academic accomplishment, e.g., undergraduate grade point average, GMAT (when available).
The Jorgensen Fellowship (JF) is available to outstanding young scholars applying to doctoral programs. The award consists of a service-free fellowship providing a $20,000 annual stipend for five years.
In addition, to be eligible for either the fellowships below, applicants must demonstrate a commitment to enhancing diversity in higher education and/or a commitment to enhancing diversity in their field of study.
- The Harriott Fellowship (HF) is available to outstanding young scholars applying to doctoral programs. The award consists of a service-free fellowship providing a $20,000 annual stipend for five years.
- The Crandall Fellowship (CF) is available to outstanding young scholars applying to master’s programs. The award consists of a service-free fellowship providing a $20,000 annual stipend for two years (MFA is for three years).
For HF and CF fellowships students must submit a diversity statement through the SLATE application system. Students can demonstrate a commitment to enhancing diversity in higher education through participation in organizations or activities that (a) directly relate to increasing access to higher education and retention in higher education of individuals, regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, cultural background, religion, or beliefs or (b) that help to ensure that individuals are welcomed and included in higher education environments regardless of age, race, sexual orientation, gender, nationality, cultural background, religion, or beliefs. Such organization and activities might include participation/affiliation with TRIO programs, cultural/affinity organizations/centers, volunteer experiences, and college or university committees focused on these goals. Students provide evidence of this commitment through research and educational experience reflected on their CV/resume (articles, presentations, internship, and research experience), in their personal statement, or in letters of recommendations.
学生必须至少完成 37 个学分,分配如下:
工程教育核心:13 学分
- ENGR 5610 – 工程教育基础 – 3 学分
- ENGR 5620 – 工程教育的权力和政治 – 3 学分
- ENGR 6901 – 工程教育研讨会 - 1 学分
- EPSY/EDCI – 列表中的教育理论课程 - 3 学分
- ENGR 5410 – 科学传播 – 1 学分
- ENGR 5420 – 工程实习和工业职业 – 1 学分
- ENGR 5430 – 教学工程:传播与教育学 – 1 学分
- CE/ENVE 6920 – 实习 – 3 学分
- 在研究生教师的指导下拥有课堂教学的实践经验。
教育研究方法核心:12 学分
- EDCI 6000 - 教育研究的定性方法 – 3 学分
- EPSY 5605 – 研究中的定量方法 1 – 3 学分
- EPSY 5607 – 研究中的定量方法 2 – 3 学分
- 研究方法选修课 – 3 学分
工程教育专业:9 学分
工程领域专业化:与专业顾问协商后选择 5000 级或更高级别的学科课程(例如 CHEG、ME、ECE)9 个学分。
高级方法专业化:9 个学分(方法核心之外)专注于高级教育研究方法。学生可以从 EDCI、RMME、EPSY 方法课程或与专业顾问协商的其他课程中进行选择。
教育/学习科学专业理论:9 个学分,重点关注跨学科、知识理论或认识论。学生可以从目录中指定的教育理论列表中进行选择,也可以与专业顾问协商选择其他课程。
工程与人权:该领域的 9 学分课程,经专业顾问批准并与 EHRI 教员协商。
个性化专业化:经专业顾问批准的相关领域或主题的 9 学分课程作业。
博士学位。工程教育专业没有外语要求。博士学生所有课程的累计 GPA 必须保持至少 3.0。对于获得硕士学位的学生,之前研究生课程最多 15 个学分可计入博士学位。
所有博士。学生还必须完成 GRAD 6950(博士论文研究)至少 15 个学分。全部为全日制博士。学生在该课程的每个学期都必须注册一学分的研讨会课程 ENGR 6901。
- 在各种环境中进行高质量的教育研究和/或评估和评价,包括高等教育、K-12 环境、非营利组织和私营企业。
- 综合多个领域的信息,促进工程与社会科学交叉领域的知识生成。
- 将工程工作的社会文化视角带到他们选择的任何工作领域,重点关注公正、多样性、公平和包容性。
- 将工程教育研究中的循证实践融入到对下一代的教育中。
English Language Requirements
通过 Duolingo English Test 证明您的英语水平!DET 是一种方便、快速且价格合理的在线英语测试,已被全球 4,000 多所大学(如本所)接受。